Friday, December 6, 2013


Jetlag is one of the problems that travelers
encounter but put up with because we love
to travel.  I travel mostly from the middle of
the USA to Europe and I do suffer from jetlag.
Most flights to Europe from my neck of the
woods, leave in the evening.  After the dinner
service, the lights are dimmed and everyone
settles in for the night.  Not me.  I can't sleep
on the plane, I have tried everything, pillows,
blankets, drugs to make me tired but no...
I just doesn't happen for me.  I am so envious
of all the people peacefully snoozing away as I
stroll up and down the aisles.
So this is what I try to do to combat jetlag once
I arrive at my destination.  I make my way into
the city, check into my hotel (often it is too early
to get into your room so I just drop off my bags),
go out and have a nice lunch, take a walk afterwards
then head back to the hotel, take a warm bath and
sleep for 2 hours.  Just 2 hours!  You will be tempted
to sleep longer but it will work against you.  Get up,
freshen up and head back out in the fresh air, go
have a nice dinner and stay on the schedule in the
time zone you happen to be in.  Some people say
they stay up but that can make you overtired to the
point where you can't go to sleep when you want to.
I find a completely dark room can really help in
getting a restful sleep, and a sleep mask can help.
Stay hydrated, eat well and get lots of exercise
and you should be able to adjust and enjoy your
time in your destination.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Swiss Village

After a house filled with people all week,
our houseguests headed off early this
morning, the kids headed to Bloomington,
our son went back to school and our daughter
went to the Old Oaken Bucket game today.
Mr. Wonderful & I decided to get out of the
house and visit a little Swiss Village about
an hour from our home.
It was small business Saturday and we
wanted to help the local economy by
finding a little town with a few Mom
& Pop Shops and do a little shopping.
We visited a town called Berne, Indiana.
It is a little village settled in the late 1800's
by Swiss and German settlers.
The buildings are decorated in a
Swiss style.
When you only have a few hours to
get away, this was an enjoyable way
to spend the afternoon.